Daily Wander

Q1 750,000 in revenue

desolation 1More than 320 million dollars were lost in Q1

Is that a company? Or is that just another scam…

Or is that the next case to be settled? Although the SEC does look very hard at organizations that attempt to defraud people publically defraud people publically, It’s why the former president no longer has a university (closed by mutual agreement) or a charity (also closed by mutual agreement).

4000 plus lawsuits.

Plus, the former president must follow what has long been held as a standard. He never released his tax returns (although now, listening to experts, the reality is that he may not want to release his taxes because he is nowhere near as wealthy as he has claimed).

Predictions (remember the crash of 2022 when the current president being in power was going to preside over the worst economic crisis since 1928? That didn’t happen)

We lost the federal protection that Roe V Wade offered women—the right to choose. We even now see what happens. States begin to pass laws that require a vote, and the state’s people reject them. The majority of the nation supports a woman’s right to choose.

By the way, do not forget the games that the GOP played to guarantee the stacked Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has never had a lower level of public confidence than it does now. Two justices have questionable things to answer for; it is just sad.

New Extended review


Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



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