Daily Wander

100% factually correct. What does that mean effectively? From the view of the scientific method, nothing is 100%. All things are in question. Based on that lack of understanding, it is scary. But the other side of the argument I hear from the GOP, proven to be factual, scares me even more. There is NO ultimate source of truth.

a boxThe world operates on the exchange of ideas, much like the air that passes through your vocal cords to shape the sounds of your thoughts. Whether it’s through spoken words or written text, the power of ideas is what drives our understanding of the world. It’s this understanding that we need to share and discuss openly.

It’s disheartening, but let’s discuss the state of affairs. We must move beyond rhetoric and have a real discussion about We’vetions. We can’t afford to be, especially when we’ve heard promises of change before that have yet to materialize. What has changed in the past four years that will make a difference now?

The world is facing issues that require global attention. Immigration is not a US problem. It is a global problem that needs to be dealt with globally. The marcan’tand financial situation in the world is a global issue.

We can’t declare bankruptcy and move on to the next state as a nation. We need someone to take a big-picture view of what must happen.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Episode 2


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

What is the sound of one hand clapping? Is it disdain, or instead, is it silence? Are we making that sound by making fun of people, or can we complete the simple process of two hands clapping? It is not that I fear the sound. It is not that I question the noise. Rather, I question the intent of the single hand. It isn’t a golf match where people are quiet on purpose. It is simply the life we are living. The sound of one hand clapping is less rigorous but more a lonely sound.

I am, I was, I will be.

Desolation 2What, then, is justice? If justice is not the sound of one hand clapping? Is it the sound of a flag, upside flying and flapping in the wind? The gentle sound an upside-down flag makes? Or is it then the sound a free RV makes as it rolls down the road? Fences be damned, in my Free RV. Does a free vehicle stop for stop signs? Or does it go with the blind faith that made it free? The sound now of one hand clapping grew louder. I can see the hand moving and feel the collision with the air.

But, the silence is overwhelming. We believe in justice as long as it does not apply to us. We believe in the sound of horns blowing—the sound of whistles repeating repeatedly. We believe in justice applied by us, never to us. We hear the sound of clapping. We hide behind interpretation and live in a world where fingers always point away from us. For we are not the problem; you are.

I was. I wonder if I ever will be again.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Episode 2


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

Okay, so lying about people liking you is dangerous. It is especially dangerous in the modern video world because people can clearly see what happens. Video can lie, however. The way video lies is not a deep fake. It is simply cutting the frame so that the person sees one thing.

newest ertWithout the context of the wider image, the video appears to show something different. The video of the current president wandering off is a great example. It was cut so that you didn’t see the wider shot (it spoke more to reality than the tight shot did).

In the tight shot, it appears that the Premier of Italy has to corral the president and prevent him from wandering off. In reality, he turned to give a thumbs-up to a Paratrooper that landed near the stage. Of course, the right-wing media grabbed the modified video and ran with it.

We have to stop the lies. In order to make our nation great, we need to know the truth. There are times when leadership cannot tell us the full story. We have to understand that. There is a dangerous system in the US government designed to prevent information from being released.

Let’s be clear: information can indeed be a potent force. But the real threat, the one that is always dangerous, is the insidious nature of lies. We don’t need official clearance to recognize the harm that falsehoods can cause.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Episode 2


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



The Wander Project

I’ve been playing with the Wristcam for over a year and the Ray-Ban Meta glasses for six months. I am sharing this in my less technical blog because I will focus on capturing pictures today. Or maybe on the pictures I have missed over the years!

Dylan and PuckFirst, the Wristcam is connected to your Apple Watch, which makes it really convenient. The Ray-Ban Meta glasses are sunglasses first and easy to use. Looking where you are trying to capture a picture is a very natural process.

Look, click, and move on!  Of the two, the Meta has a better camera overall. But it is again a story of convenience. Yes, I carry my iPhone with me on walks. But there is a convenience to seeing something and taking a picture without having to pull the iPhone out.

By nature, I am a technocrat. But I am also looking to solve short-term problems for myself and others. The issue was that I missed far too many cool pictures. My father was an avid photographer and took more than 30,000 pictures (he was taking pictures in the film days).

But in the last five years of his life, he took more pictures (6000) than in any other ten-year period. Digital cameras are easier, and Wristcams and Meta are even easier!

Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

So, let’s talk about what is wrong with our country.

  1. We HAVE TO GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE; while it served a purpose (reducing the power of cities) once upon a time, it is now a failure. We have, which wasn’t possible or as possible in the days of the constitution signing it wasn’t possible. It is possible now to have the popular vote. We’ve seen the Electoral College not reflect the people’s will twice in the last 24 years. It happened five times in history time to end it.
  2. We have a problem. It is immigration, and frankly, it is not the problem that the GOP is trumpeting; it is a problem of economic oppression and violent crime. We have a part of the world that needs our help, and instead, we stand at the border shouting about people crossing.
  3. Our country has a debt issue. We have to fix both people’s and the government’s governments.
  4. We need a leader who rises above the fray. To borrow from the song, we need a hero—someone who doesn’t call people names, someone who doesn’t drive, doesn’t, someone who represents all of us, not the smaller group that voted for them.

Marlon Trottmann/EyeEm/Getty ImagesI am not interested in hearing the “state’s decide “state’s issue “women’s. That is not the goal. The goal is for women to decide what happens to them. A state making it illegal to have an abortion is simply something that has to stop.

I am not interested in the painting of the past as it is so much better than before. Millions of people died from Covid. Things move in a linear fashion, not in a line. The past wasn’t better. Wasn’t going down statues of Confederate heros isn’t bad? How many of them were erected by the Confederacy?

History tells us that we need to be careful at inflection points. We are at an inflection point.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

“A fact is a statement that can be objectively verified and proven true or false. It is based on evidence, observation, or data, and personal opinions or beliefs do not influence it. For example, “Water boils at 100°C (212°F)” is a factual statement because it can be tested and confirmed through experiments.” (Bing)

2Water boils at 212 degrees. Yes, your thermometer may say it is boiling at 210, but the other side of the objectivity of information is, has your thermometer been tested for accuracy? The water’s boiling point was measured over and over using calibrated instruments.

We cannot today say that the words uttered by the former President on January 6, 2021, caused his followers to attack the US Capitol. That is speculative, as we can not ever know a human being’s motives. Someday, AI will tell us that that directly influenced a person, but we can say we don’t know.

What we know is that the former President did nothing during a crisis. An attack was occurring on the offices of 1/3 of the US government, and he did not act. The facts (texts) show that numerous people begged him to act. He did not act. This inaction was simply the wrong answer, leaving us with a sense of disappointment and concern.

Would you elect someone who wouldn’t act, knowing that another crisis is coming (and the world is full of them right now)?

The President is not elected to represent their followers alone. They are elected to represent all of us, to be a leader for the entire nation. This understanding underscores the importance of inclusive leadership in our society. All of us are not the people standing outside the US Congress building. The office and person of the President of the United States represents all of America. As a proud American, I support every elected President. I am beginning to wonder if the “real fake news” is that the former President cares about anyone other than himself. (that is opinion by the by).

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

Three good things that a political candidate makes. I agree with the former president on the concept of NATO paying its fair share. But my agreement stops there; the “we won’t defend” a NATO country that doesn’t pay is simply crap. It is the wrong way to deal with people.

3d-pen-3doodler-createI’m afraid I have to disagreewith former presidents’ victim status. There are far too many victims in our world for a privileged member of the “elite” to claim injustice. How many people charged with crimes claim innocence? (All of them.) How many people, though, can afford to delay trials?

, Few have the economic ability to delay trials. Yes, we have a two-tiered justice system. If you have money, you can control how the system interacts with you. If you don’t have money, then you end up in jail. It is a two-tiered system, and those on top are the problem.

If you are charged with a crime, you deserve a speedy trial. If you are innocent, you rush to get that speedy trial. Guilty people are obstinate and confused. Why is that? Because they are guilty. Innocent people don’t drive to delay; they drive to receive validation of innocence.

I can find the one thing, the one thing I agree with, but everything else makes me cringe. It is like the adage about false compliments. Yes, you look like the perfect person for the job, besides these 18 issues we have with you.

If you lie once, you are attempting to deceive. If you lie twice to me, you think you can fool me. If you lie over and over, you effectively think I am stupid. That is on the liar, not me.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

The question of ethics represents a serious problem. There has to be a line that isn’t crossed, a line that people look at and stop at. They don’t go beyond that line. That ethical line is not real, but it is critical for the health of our world.

Cardinal 1The line is quite simple. I have discussions with people all the time. We often disagree during those conversations. But I NEVER call that person a name. I do not consider anyone above or below me as a human being. We are all equal.

I listen, consider, and either accept or reject the concept presented. BUT I NEVER REJECT THE HUMAN BEING. I am not hugely “woke” because I say the wrong thing frequently. I am not a huge fan of being corrected by someone when I make an error.

I do, however, understand that correction. I may remind the person of the impoliteness of correcting someone publicly. I do, however, make the requested change if pulled aside and informed. It is rude to correct someone in front of other people, even if what the person said before the correction is also wrong.

(Two wrongs don’t make a right). That said, even when corrected, I do not call the person a name. Ever. I never use names.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



The Wander Project

We start each day with a walk. Dylan and I have done that for 12-plus years now. Puck and I have done that for over a year now. Each day, we wander outside. Dylan doesn’t walk as far now as he did in the past. He can handle about .2 of a mile now.

Dylan and PuckBut it is our tradition. The two of them start the same process every morning. (It is breakfast time.) First is the “Hey, did you forget to feed us?” At which point, they ask if it is breakfast time. Excuse me, did you forget breakfast? Um, breakfast?

Once that process is done and breakfast is being digested, it is time for the walk. “Um, did you forget the walk?” It is funny that the two of them have such a routine. Dogs are funny about routine. They like the world to work exactly how they think it should work!

Labs or Labrador Retrievers are routine-focused dogs. They are in the dog class that focuses on humans. If you notice, service dogs of all forms are frequently Labs. They are intelligent dogs, but they are also people-focused, which makes them great at service roles.

They want their humans to be happy!

Did you forget breakfast?

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



Daily Wander

Exceeding a venue’s capacity for an event is a bad idea. Fire Marshals get nervous and normally cite or ticket both the party hosting the event and the venue. That normally results in the venue suing the offending party.

Artemis 1It’s not just a matter of questioning why someone who has lied about crowd sizes in the past would continue to do so. It’s about the credibility that is at stake. Why throw softballs over the plate? Why feed the sharks? I understand the adage “even bad publicity,” but this kind of behavior seriously undermines credibility and trust.

When we first practice, we deceive ourselves about what a tangled web we weave. But when you can’t even remember, it becomes very dangerous. Politicians have variable crowd sizes. It happens to all politicians. Sometimes, you speak to a large group.

Whether you speak to a large group or a small one, the size of the audience is not the key. What truly matters is the value of your words and the shared value of the policies you propose. As a politician, what you say and the policies you will enact hold significant weight and can greatly influence public opinion and decision-making.

We have to know what you are going to do. If you don’t share, we must take your rhetoric as baseline.

Made by a Human (or is it)

Promo for Episode 2


Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)

