Daily Wander

Keep repeating a lie, and well, it is still a lie. It never becomes the truth, no matter how many times you repeat it. I suspect if we say drug testing is mandatory for both parties in presidential debates, the former president will not appear. The reality of projection is you say the other person is doing what you do.

desolation 1But the issue isn’t the lies. They are bad, but more and more people see through the lies. The issue is the racism. We are a NATION of immigrants. The very immigrants built our land, our buildings, and our infrastructure that the former president says poison the blood of our nation.

I will say one personal thing here. My grandfather was a Republican. He and I often discussed the GOP versus the democratic goals. I listened, and many of the goals of my grandfather’s GOP were things I supported. My father was a lifelong liberal. We also spoke of politics, and I found that many of the things he said about the democratic views of the world were things I believed in as well. I look at the GOP now, and I think my grandfather is crying.

Those immigrants are the blood of our nation. The founders of this nation were, by the definition of citizenship, not citizens. Our nation was initially founded in 1776. Not a single, not one, signer of the Declaration of Independence was a citizen of a nation that did not yet exist.

I am tired of the blatant racism. The problem is not the people appearing at the border of our nation. They are there to flee bad situations. Honduras has a drought. South America has cartels and economic issues that we, as neighbors, and Canada, must address and support.

We, the people, embrace those who choose to be here with us. The only steal in this nation was on January 6, 2021.

New Extended review


Made by a Human (or is it)

Episode 1


Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!


All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)



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