wander project phone camera roll

Sometimes I wonder if pictures get sad, as they sit in a folder forgotten. I do wonder if pictures sometimes wonder what happened. You used to look at me all the time. But, now you don’t look at me anymore. It makes me so sad to sit in this folder Christmas Day 1995 with my friends, but no one looks at us anymore. Christmas 1994 was long ago and far away. We lived in Cincinnati, Ohio then. The haze of time changes everything. I read a post by Fortune today talking about the memories connected with objects. It reminded me of the memories connected to pictures. Not that it matters that pictures exist in a vacuum, that the light captured is now long gone.

Or in fact that the light captured wasn’t the light captured.. at 186000 miles per second light moves faster than shutters.

Instead today the memories attached to each of the pictures.  You pick the picture up; it’s not like the movies, where the melancholy music starts playing for sad pictures. Where the happy, upbeat summer music plays as you look at pictures of young people playing Frisbee just outside a dorm Wait, is that Alexandra and Jim playing Frisbee all those years ago? My Jim had hair then. Before the traitorous act of hair deception. I wonder where I was, oh yes behind the camera — separated by the wall of a lens, film and is-captured light. Do you ever look at pictures and wonder? What of the picture not taken? Does the existence of the picture sometimes remind you of the picture not taken?

One thousand moments in a folder.

1000 picture in a dream.

What then do we look for? As we wander the old pictures seeking what? A memory? A shard that loos from the rest of the torrential pour of memories within is the one that makes everything better? The music is playing now. I can hear it. The sound of the lone guitar gently strumming a classical song in the background. The soundtrack to my pictures today is mixed. Happy and sad, bright, and gloomy.


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